Mirror cleaning tips.


Mirror cleaning can be an adorable job if you have the best recipe. With the right ingredients and equipments, no one can click on the dislike thumb-down for the results. It takes a proper prescription to cure illness. If your mirror’s performance is altered due to stains and dust, you simply need to do the cleaning right to get your mirror back sparkling without streaks.

With right ingredients I mean:



-Rubbing alcohol


While the required equipments are:


-Cotton pinches



Most people would prefer using either vinegar with water or just the rubbing alcohol and water but not all the three together. Now here is the secret, the three are perfect together if it is done right. So with doing it right, I am talking about how you are going to do it.


This is how to clean a mirror without streaks


If you want to have your mirror as clean as new, you start by soaking the cotton pinches in rubbing alcohol. Then draw the mirror all over with the soaked cotton pinches and don’t miss a square inch. Do this over and over until you will have spotted all the parched sticky stains.

After the rubbing alcohol, spray the mirror all over with vinegar and water until it is all wet. This is where the cloth comes in. The choice of cloth might interest you; I would personally go for a microfiber cloth. It does magic in the job. All you have to do is wipe it all over again and again in patterns. You should start with the top down drag to help clear the water away with all dirt. Rinse the cloth and kill the move with side to side downward wipe. At this point you will be smiling with your image in the mirror. You can imagine seeing the smile on the mirror so bright than the actual smile.